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It's time to use soulful business strategies that bring lasting joy and revenue to your business.

Here’s what you get in the Soul-ed Out Circle:

✔️ 24 Live Group Classes (valued at $1800)

Covering timely topics to help you grow a prosperous heart-led business using my proven system of Energetic Soul Client Attraction.

3 5-week Live Classes on the following topics (valued at $1200):

  • February 2024: Storytelling in Soul-Aligned Sales:
    Learn a powerful framework for using Storytelling the right way to bring your content to life, stand out in your market, and attract dream clients
  • June 2024: From Prospecting to a Pipeline Full of Dream Clients:
    Creating a soul-guided prospecting system based on your unique energy that transforms new leads into repeat soul clients that last for life
  • November 2024: Leveraging Your Human Design Type in Your Social Media:
    Designing a Social Media Strategy according to your Human Design Type that powerfully attracts an ever growing number of raving fans who need exactly what you have to offer

Access to a Course Library (valued at $1500)

This includes a wide variety of mini courses to help you earn more, serve more and grow spiritually along the way. You'll also get access to my signature 5-week course Soul-ed Out Business 365 revealing how to create a signature offer that becomes a soul client magnet. 

✔️ Access to guided meditation library (valued at $500)

This includes a wide range of guided meditations and exercises to help you heal, get clear, and energetically align to your highest

✔️ Private FB Community (valued at $1000)

An invitation to join a closed FB Group that enables you to feel SUPPORTED on your path by connecting with like-minded soul-guided entrepreneurs. The private community will include weekly FB Lives on the following topics:

  • 30-day Psychic Readings and Energy Forecasts,
  • Oracle card readings to enable you to leverage the energy in the collective, and
  • Human Design Q&A to deepen your understanding of how to leverage your Human Design in business, and you may submit any question you have about your unique design